Not for reporting SHARP/EO/EEO reports or Emergency Situations. Those reports should be sent through the chain of command or appropriate authorities/agencies.


SHARP Contacts:

Fort Bliss: (915) 741-1597
DoD: (877) 995-5247
1/1 AD: (915) 741-1597
2/1 AD: (915) 744-7296
3/1 AD: (915) 744-3926
1AD CAB: (915) 744-2826
DIVARTY: (915) 744-8540
1AD SB: (915) 741-27335
AR BDE: (915) 598-7193
Garrison: (915) 569-5393
WBAMC: (915) 742-1492
USASMA: (915) 744-1183
32nd AAMDC: (915) 568-6012
11th ADA BDE: (915) 568-6626
JTF-N: (915) 356-3075
JMC: (915) 568-8599


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